We Will Defend You queen의 we will rock you를 개사한 국군응원송
(Verse 1)
Buddy, youre a soldier, standing tall
Were strong and proud, ready for the call
Well fight, defend, with honor and pride
Marching on, we wont hide
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
(Verse 2)
Buddy, were united, brave and free
In the land of Korea, victory we see
Well guard our home, with courage so grand
For our country, we stand
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
(Verse 3)
Buddy, with our brothers, we advance
For peace and justice, well take a stance
Through night and day, with spirit so bright
Korean Army, we fight
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
We Will Defend You queen의 we will rock you를 개사한 국군응원송
(Verse 1)
Buddy, youre a soldier, standing tall
Were strong and proud, ready for the call
Well fight, defend, with honor and pride
Marching on, we wont hide
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
(Verse 2)
Buddy, were united, brave and free
In the land of Korea, victory we see
Well guard our home, with courage so grand
For our country, we stand
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
(Verse 3)
Buddy, with our brothers, we advance
For peace and justice, well take a stance
Through night and day, with spirit so bright
Korean Army, we fight
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
We will, we will defend you
· 해피레포트는 다운로드 받은 파일에 문제가 있을 경우(손상된 파일/설명과 다른자료/중복자료 등) 1주일이내 환불요청 시 환불(재충전) 해드립니다.
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