로그인 회원가입 고객센터

양돈장 환기 시스템 최적화를 위한 열유동해석 (영어 발표 ppt, 영어 레포트)

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :양돈장 환기 시스템 최적화.zip
문서분량 : 60 page 등록인 : steeve7777
문서뷰어 : 압축유틸프로그램 등록/수정일 : 21.05.29 / 21.05.29
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 6,500


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실제 열유동해석 프로그램 ANSYS를 이용하여 발표했던 ppt와 레포트 입니다.
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실제 열유동해석실습에서 A+를 획득하였습니다.

1.Introduction to Piggery Ventilation System
2. Geometry of Piggery
3. Methods
4. Initial Models
5. Optimized Models and their Comparison

1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Methods
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusion
7. Reference


Pigs have degenerated sweat glands, so they reduce their body temperature by increasing the respiration rate and rolling in mud when the temperature of the surrounding environment increases. Considering their biological characteristics, the farms in Korea are too small for the pigs to naturally control their temperatures, and this leads to low productivity. Therefore, factory farms with productivity as their top priority should create an environment where pigs are not stressed by having trouble with their body temperature control.

This study optimizes existing pig farms so that pigs are not stressed by cold temperatures. By changing the pipe, we tried to keep all parts of the piggery in 27 degree Celsius. Moreover, we also tried to keep the cold air from outside directly contacting the pig. Even if the piggery is at the appropriate temperature, the pig may get stressed from the direct air.

First, we made 4 different pipe models. Each of them has the pipes headed vertically, horizontally, 45 degrees and 45 degrees within the floor. Comparing the four models shows the most even temperature distribution in the vertical model. However, setting the pipe position, like a vertical model, could cause direct wind to the pig and cause great stress on the pig. Therefore, the temperature distribution is relatively evenly distributed at lower 45 degrees and the horizontal model except for the vertical model. Therefore, we judged that the horizontal model, which has less difference in z-axis than x-axis, is the best model.

Secondly, we made 5 different horizontal pipe models differentiating size and distribution of the holes in horizontal direction and changing the length of the pipe. With many trials and errors, we finally found out that the model with 10 holes, gradually increasing spaces between holes from 300mm to 900mm to be the most optimum model that keeps all parts of the piggery to be in uniform 27 degree Celsius. This model will result in uniform, and maximum productivity of the pigs living inside.
열유동해석프로그램 발표자료


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