로그인 회원가입 고객센터

Operations Management 생산운영관리 krajewski ritzman malhotra SUPPLEMENT-A Decision Making Models 연습문제풀이

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :Operations Managemen.hwp
문서분량 : 4 page 등록인 : repojaehoon
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 4
판매가격 : 1,300


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Operations Management 생산운영관리 krajewski ritzman malhotra SUPPLEMENT-A Decision Making Models 연습문제풀이
4. Techno Corporation is currently manufacturing an item at variable costs of $4 per unit. Annual fixed costs of manufacturing this item are $65,000. The current selling price of the item is $11 per unit, and the annual sales volume is 35,000 units
9. Hahn Manufacturing purchases a key component of one of its products from a local supplier. The current purchase price is $1,500 per unit. Efforts to standardize parts succeeded to the point that this same component can now be used in five different products. Annual component usage should increase from 150 to 750 units. Management wonders whether it is time to make the component in-house, rather than to continue buying it from the supplier. Fixed costs would increase by about $40,000 per year for the new equipment and tooling needed. The cost of raw materials and variable overhead would be about $1,100 per unit, and labor costs
Operations Management 생산운영관리 krajewski ritzman malhotra SUPPLEMENT-A Decision Making Models 연습문제풀이
4. Techno Corporation is currently manufacturing an item at variable costs of $4 per unit. Annual fixed costs of manufacturing this item are $65,000. The current selling price of the item is $11 per unit, and the annual sales volume is 35,000 units
9. Hahn Manufacturing purchases a key component of one of its products from a local supplier. The current purchase price is $1,500 per unit. Efforts to standardize parts succeeded to the point that this same component can now be used in five different products. Annual component usage should increase from 150 to 750 units. Management wonders whether it is time to make the component in-house, rather than to continue buying it from the supplier. Fixed costs would increase by about $40,000 per year for the new equipment and tooling needed. The cost of raw materials and variable overhead would be about $1,100 per unit, and labor costs would be $300 per unit produced.
14. You are in charge of analyzing five new suppliers of an important raw material and have been given the information shown below (1=worst, 10=best). Management has decided that criteria 2 and 3 are equally important and that criteria 1 and 4 are each four times as important as criterion 2. No more than 2 new suppliers are required but each new vendor must exceed a total score of 70 percent of the maximum total points to be considered.
19. Build-Rite Construction has received favorable publicity from guest appearances on a public TV home improvement program. Public TV programming decisions seem to be unpredictable, so Build-Rite cannot estimate the probability of continued benefits from its relationship with the show. Demand for home improvements next year may be either low or high. But Build-Rite must decide now whether to hire more employees, do nothing, or develop subcontracts with other home improvement contractors. Build_rite has developed the following payoff table:


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