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데이터베이스입문 database processing kroenke auer 1장 2장 3장 5장 6장 문제풀이

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :데이터베이스 database proc.hwp
문서분량 : 25 page 등록인 : repojaehoon
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 3
판매가격 : 1,300


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1.61 Create a Microsoft Access database namedWPC.accdb.
1.62 Figure 1-26 shows the column characteristics for the WPC DEPARTMENT table. Using the column characteristics, create the DEPARTMENT table in the WPC.accdb database.
1.63 Figure 1-27 shows the data for the WPC DEPARTMENT table. Using Datasheet view, enter the data shown in Figure 1-27 into your DEPARTMENT table.
1.64 Figure 1-28 shows the column characteristics for the WPC EMPLOYEE table. Using the column characteristics, create the EMPLOYEE table in the WPC.accdb database.
1.65 Create the relationship and referential integrity constraint between DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE. Enable enforcing of referential integrity and cascading of data updates, but do not enable cascading of data from deleted records.
1.66 Figure 1-29 shows the data for the WPC EMPLOYEE table. Using Datasheet view, enter the first three rows of the data shown in Figure 1-29 into your EMPLOYEE table.

1.61 Create a Microsoft Access database namedWPC.accdb.
1.62 Figure 1-26 shows the column characteristics for the WPC DEPARTMENT table. Using the column characteristics, create the DEPARTMENT table in the WPC.accdb database.
1.63 Figure 1-27 shows the data for the WPC DEPARTMENT table. Using Datasheet view, enter the data shown in Figure 1-27 into your DEPARTMENT table.
1.64 Figure 1-28 shows the column characteristics for the WPC EMPLOYEE table. Using the column characteristics, create the EMPLOYEE table in the WPC.accdb database.
1.65 Create the relationship and referential integrity constraint between DEPARTMENT and EMPLOYEE. Enable enforcing of referential integrity and cascading of data updates, but do not enable cascading of data from deleted records.
1.66 Figure 1-29 shows the data for the WPC EMPLOYEE table. Using Datasheet view, enter the first three rows of the data shown in Figure 1-29 into your EMPLOYEE table.
1.67 Using the Microsoft Access form wizard, create a data input form for the EMPLOYEE table and name it WPC Employee Data Form. Make any adjustments necessary to the form so that all data display properly. Use this form to enter the rest of the data in the EMPLOYEE table shown in Figure 1-29 into your EMPLOYEE table.
1.68 Using the Microsoft Access report wizard, create a report named Wedgewood Pacific Corporation Employee Report that presents the data contained in your EMPLOYEE table sorted first by employee last name and then by employee first name. Make any adjustments necessary to the report so that all headings and data display properly. Print a copy of this report.
1.69 Using the Microsoft Access form wizard, create a form that has all of the data from both tables. When asked how you want to view your data, select by DEPARTMENT. Choose the default options for other questions that the wizard asks. Open your form and page through your departments.
1.70 Using the Microsoft Access report wizard, create a report that has all of the data from both tables. When asked how you want to view your data, select by DEPARTMENT. For the data contained in your EMPLOYEE table in the report, specify that it will be sorted first by employee last name and then by employee first name. Make any adjustments necessary to the report so that all headings and data display properly. Print a copy of this report.
1.71 Explain, to the level of detail in this chapter, what is going on within Microsoft Access in Project Questions 1.67, 1.68, 1.69, and 1.70. What subcomponent created the form and report? Where is the data stored? What role do you think SQL is playing?

2.53 Figure 2-26 shows the column characteristics for the WPC PROJECT table. Using the column characteristics, create the PROJECT table in the WPC.accdb database.
2.54 Create the relationship and referential integrity constraint between PROJECT and DEPARTMENT. Enable enforcing of referential integrity and cascading of data
2.55 Figure 2-27 shows the data for the WPC PROJECT table. Using the Datasheet view, enter the data shown in Figure 2-27 into your PROJECT table.
2.56 Figure 2-31 shows the column characteristics for the WPC ASSIGNMENT table. Using the column characteristics, create the ASSIGNMENT table in the WPC.accdb database.
2.57 Create the relationship and referential integrity constraint between ASSIGNMENT and EMPLOYEE. Enable enforcing of referential integrity, but do not enable either cascading updates or the cascading of data from deleted records.
2.58 Create the relationship and referential integrity constraint between ASSIGNMENT and PROJECT. Enable enforcing of referential integrity and cascading of deletes, but do not enable cascading updates.
2.59 Figure 2-29 shows the data for the WPC ASSIGNMENT table. Using the Datasheet view, enter the data shown in Figure 2-29 into your ASSIGNMENT table.
2.60 In Project Question 2.55, the table data was entered after referential integrity constraints were created in Project Question 2.54. In Project Question 2.59, the table data was entered after referential integrity constraints were created in Project Questions 2.57 and 2.58. Why was the data entered after the referential integrity constraints were created instead of before the constraints were created?
2.61 Using Microsoft Access SQL, create and run queries to answer the following questions. Save each query using the query name format SQL-Query-02-##, where the ## sign is replaced by the letter designator of the question. For example, the first query will be saved as SQL-Query-02-A.
2.62 Using Microsoft Access QBE, create and run new queries to answer the questions in Project Question 2.61. Save each query using the query name format QBE-Query-02-##, where the ## sign is replaced by the letter designator of the question. For example, the first query will be saved as QBE-Query-02-A.

3.58 Consider the table:
STAFF_MEETING (EmployeeName, ProjectName, Date)
The rows of this table record the fact that an employee from a particular project
attended a meeting on a given date. Assume that a project meets at most once per day. Also, assume that only one employee represents a given project, but that employees can be assigned to multiple projects.

5.58 Examine the subscription form shown in Figure 5-53. Using the structure of this form, do the following:

Answer Project Question 5.58 if you have not already done so. Design a database for your model in Project Question 5.58. Your design should include a specification of tables and attributes as well as primary, candidate, and foreign keys. Also specify how you will enforce minimum cardinality. Document your minimum cardinality enforcement using referential integrity actions for a required parent, if any, and the form in Figure 6-28(b) for a required child, if any.


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