로그인 회원가입 고객센터

공업통계학 principles of statistics for engineers and scientists 연습문제 풀이

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :공업통계학 principles of.hwp
문서분량 : 13 page 등록인 : repojaehoon
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 1,300


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10. A sample of 100 adult women was taken, and each was asked how many children she had. The results were as follows
There are 10 employees in a particular division of a company. Their salaries have a mean of $70,000, a median of $55,000, and a standard deviation of $60,000. The largest number on the list is $100,000. By accident, this number is changed to $1,000,000
Forty-five specimens of a certain type of powder were analyzed for sulfur trioxide content. Following are the results, in percent. The list has been sorted into numerical order
The article “The Ball-on-Three-Ball Test for Tensile Strength: Refined Methodology and Results for Three Hohokam Ceramis Types” discusses the strength of an cient ceramics. Several specimens of each of three types of ceramic were tested. The loads required to crack the specimens are as follows
Compute the correlation coefficient for the following data set
In a laboratory test of a new
10. A sample of 100 adult women was taken, and each was asked how many children she had. The results were as follows
There are 10 employees in a particular division of a company. Their salaries have a mean of $70,000, a median of $55,000, and a standard deviation of $60,000. The largest number on the list is $100,000. By accident, this number is changed to $1,000,000
Forty-five specimens of a certain type of powder were analyzed for sulfur trioxide content. Following are the results, in percent. The list has been sorted into numerical order
The article “The Ball-on-Three-Ball Test for Tensile Strength: Refined Methodology and Results for Three Hohokam Ceramis Types” discusses the strength of an cient ceramics. Several specimens of each of three types of ceramic were tested. The loads required to crack the specimens are as follows
Compute the correlation coefficient for the following data set
In a laboratory test of a new engine design, the emissions rate (in mg/s of oxides of nitrogen, N0x) was measured as a functions of engine speed (in rpm). The results are presented in the following table
For a sample of 12 trees, the volume of lumber(in ) and the diameter(in cm) at a fixed height above ground level was measured. The results were as follows
An engineer wants to predict the value for y when x=4.5, using the following data set
In an accelerated life test, units are operated under extreme conditions until failure. In one such test, 12 motors were operated under high temperature conditions. The ambient temperatures (in °C) and lifetimes (in hours) are presented in the following table
14. There are 10 employees in a particular division of a company. Their salaries have a mean of $70,000, a median of $55,000, and a standard deviation of $60,000. The largest number on the list is $100,000. By accident, this number is changed to $1,000,000.

2. Forty-five specimens of a certain type of powder were analyzed for sulfur trioxide content. Following are the results, in percent. The list has been sorted into numerical order.
5. A certain reaction was run several times using each of two catalysis, A and B. The catalysts were supposed to control the yield of an undesirable side product. Results, in units of percentage yield, for 24 runs of catalyst A 20 runs of catalyst B are as follows:
13. The article “The Ball-on-Three-Ball Test for Tensile Strength: Refined Methodology and Results for Three Hohokam Ceramis Types” discusses the strength of an cient ceramics. Several specimens of each of three types of ceramic were tested. The loads required to crack the specimens are as follows:

1. Compute the correlation coefficient for the following data set.
6. In a laboratory test of a new engine design, the emissions rate (in mg/s of oxides of nitrogen, N0x) was measured as a functions of engine speed (in rpm). The results are presented in the following table.

10. For a sample of 12 trees, the volume of lumber(in ) and the diameter(in cm) at a fixed height above ground level was measured. The results were as follows.

10. An engineer wants to predict the value for y when x=4.5, using the following data set.
2. In an accelerated life test, units are operated under extreme conditions until failure. In one such test, 12 motors were operated under high temperature conditions. The ambient temperatures (in °C) and lifetimes (in hours) are presented in the following table:


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