로그인 회원가입 고객센터

Operations Research Wayne L. Winston Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Alg

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :Integer Programming-.zip
문서분량 : 9 page 등록인 : repojaehoon
문서뷰어 : 압축유틸프로그램 등록/수정일 : 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 2
판매가격 : 1,300


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Operations Research Wayne L. Winston
Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Algorithms

Operations Research Wayne L. Winston
Integer Programming 연습문제 엑셀풀이
Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Algorithms
9.2-6 To graduate from Basketweavers University with a major
in operations research, a student must complete at least two
math courses, at least two OR courses, and at least two
computer courses. Some courses can be used to fulfill more
than one requirement: Calculus can fulfill the math
requirement; operations research, math and OR requirements;
data structures, computer and math requirements; business
statistics, math and OR requirements; computer simulation,
OR and computer requirements; introduction to computer
programming, computer requirement; and forecasting, OR
and math requirements.
9.2-13 Glueco produces three types of glue on two different
production lines. Each line can be utilized by up to seven
workers at a time. Workers are paid $500 per week on
production line 1, and $900 per week on production line 2.
A week of production costs $1,000 to set up production line
1 and $2,000 to set up production line 2. During a week on
a production line, each worker produces the number of units
of glue shown in Table 12. Each week, at least 120 units of
glue 1, at least 150 units of glue 2, and at least 200 units of
glue 3 must be produced. Formulate an IP to minimize the
total cost of meeting weekly demands.
9.2-14a,b The manager of State University’s DED computer
wants to be able to access five different files. These files are
scattered on 10 disks as shown in Table 13. The amount of
storage required by each disk is as follows: disk 1, 3K; disk
2, 5K; disk 3, 1K; disk 4, 2K; disk 5, 1K; disk 6, 4K; disk
7, 3K; disk 8, 1K; disk 9, 2K; disk 10, 2K.
9.2-16 The Lotus Point Condo Project will contain both homes
and apartments. The site can accommodate up to 10,000
dwelling units. The project must contain a recreation project:
either a swimming–tennis complex or a sailboat marina, but
not both. If a marina is built, then the number of homes in
the project must be at least triple the number of apartments
in the project. A marina will cost $1.2 million, and a
swimming–tennis complex will cost $2.8 million. The
developers believe that each apartment will yield revenues
with an NPV of $48,000, and each home will yield revenues
with an NPV of $46,000. Each home (or apartment) costs
$40,000 to build. Formulate an IP to help Lotus Point
maximize profits.
9.2-20 WSP Publishing sells textbooks to college students.
WSP has two sales reps available to assign to the A–G state
area. The number of college students (in thousands) in each
state is given in Figure 9. Each sales rep must be assigned
to two adjacent states. For example, a sales rep could be
assigned to A and B, but not A and D. WSP’s goal is to
maximize the number of total students in the states assigned
to the sales reps. Formulate an IP whose solution will tell
you where to assign the sales reps. Then use LINDO to
solve your IP.
9.2-22 Consider the following puzzle. You are to pick out 4
three-letter “words” from the following list:
For each word, you earn a score equal to the position that
the word’s third letter appears in the alphabet. For example,
DBA earns a score of 1, DEG earns a score of 7, and so on.
Your goal is to choose the four words that maximize your
total score, subject to the following constraint: The sum of
the positions in the alphabet for the first letter of each word
chosen must be at least as large as the sum of the positions
in the alphabet for the second letter of each word chosen.
Formulate an IP to solve this problem.
9.2-23 At a machine tool plant, five jobs must be completed
each day. The time it takes to do each job depends on the
machine used to do the job. If a machine is used at all, there
is a setup time required. The relevant times are given in
Table 20. The company’s goal is to minimize the sum of the
setup and machine operation times needed to complete all
jobs. Formulate and solve (with LINDO, LINGO, or Excel
Solver) an IP whose solution will do this.
9.2-25 Speaker’s Clearinghouse must disburse sweepstakes
checks to winners in four different regions of the country:
Southeast (SE), Northeast (NE), Far West (FW), and
Midwest (MW). The average daily amount of the checks
written to winners in each region of the country is as follows:
SE, $40,000; NE, $60,000; FW, $30,000; MW, $50,000.
Speaker’s must issue the checks the day they find out a
customer has won. They can delay winners from quickly
cashing their checks by giving a winner a check drawn on
an out-of-the-way bank (this will cause the check to clear
slowly). Four bank sites are under consideration: Frosbite
Falls, Montana (FF), Redville, South Carolina (R), Painted
Forest, Arizona (PF), and Beanville, Maine (B). The annual
cost of maintaining an account at each bank is as follows:
FF, $50,000; R, $40,000; PF, $30,000; B, $20,000. Each
bank has a requirement that the average daily amount of
checks written cannot exceed $90,000. The average number
of days it takes a check to clear is given in Table 22. Assuming
that money invested by Speaker’s earns 15% per year, where
should the company have bank accounts, and from which
bank should a given customer’s check be written?


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