로그인 회원가입 고객센터

Operations Research Wayne L. Winston Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Alg

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :Network Models-연습문제.xlsx
문서분량 : 9 page 등록인 : repojaehoon
문서뷰어 : MS-엑셀뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 1,300


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Operations Research Wayne L. Winston
Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Algorithms

Operations Research Wayne L. Winston
Network Models 연습문제 엑셀풀이
Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Algorithms
8.2-1 Find the shortest path from node 1 to node 6 in Figure 3.
8.2-6 It costs $40 to buy a telephone from the department
store. Assume that I can keep a telephone for at most five
years and that the estimated maintenance cost each year of
operation is as follows: year 1, $20; year 2, $30; year 3,
$40; year 4, $60; year 5, $70. I have just purchased a new
telephone. Assuming that a telephone has no salvage value,
determine how to minimize the total cost of purchasing and
operating a telephone for the next six years.
8.2-7 At the beginning of year 1, a new machine must be
purchased. The cost of maintaining a machine i years old is
given in Table 5.
The cost of purchasing a machine at the beginning of
each year is given in Table 6.
There is no trade-in value when a machine is replaced.
Your goal is to minimize the total cost (purchase plus
maintenance) of having a machine for five years. Determine
the years in which a new machine should be purchased.Seven types of packages are to be delivered by five
trucks. There are three packages of each type, and the
capacities of the five trucks are 6, 4, 5, 4, and 3 packages,
respectively. Set up a maximum-flow problem that can be
8.3-6 Seven types of packages are to be delivered by five
trucks. There are three packages of each type, and the
capacities of the five trucks are 6, 4, 5, 4, and 3 packages,
respectively. Set up a maximum-flow problem that can be
used to determine whether the packages can be loaded so
that no truck carries two packages of the same type.
8.3-7 Four workers are available to perform jobs 1–4.
Unfortunately, three workers can do only certain jobs:
worker 1, only job 1; worker 2, only jobs 1 and 2; worker
3, only job 2; worker 4, any job. Draw the network for the
maximum-flow problem that can be used to determine
whether all jobs can be assigned to a suitable worker.
8.5-4b Each year, Data Corporal produces as many as 400
computers in Boston and 300 computers in Raleigh. Los
Angeles customers must receive 400 computers, and 300
computers must be supplied to Austin customers. Producing
a computer costs $800 in Boston and $900 in Raleigh.
Computers are transported by plane and may be sent through
Chicago. The costs of sending a computer between pairs of
cities are shown in Table 34.
8.5-5a, b Oilco has oil fields in San Diego and Los Angeles. The
San Diego field can produce 500,000 barrels per day, and
the Los Angeles field can produce 400,000 barrels per day.
Oil is sent from the fields to a refinery, in either Dallas or
Houston (assume each refinery has unlimited capacity). To
refine 100,000 barrels costs $700 at Dallas and $900 at
Houston. Refined oil is shipped to customers in Chicago
and New York. Chicago customers require 400,000 barrels
per day, and New York customers require 300,000 barrels
per day. The costs of shipping 100,000 barrels of oil (refined
or unrefined) between cities are shown in Table 35.


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