로그인 회원가입 고객센터

Operations Research Wayne L. Winston Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Alg

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :Formulating Transpor.zip
문서분량 : 3 page 등록인 : repojaehoon
문서뷰어 : 압축유틸프로그램 등록/수정일 : 17.03.02 / 17.03.02
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 1
판매가격 : 1,300


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Operations Research Wayne L. Winston
Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Algorithms

Operations Research Wayne L. Winston
Formulating Transportation Problems 연습문제 엑셀풀이
Introduction to Mathematical Programming : Applications and Algorithms
7장 연습문제 엑셀풀이
1. A company supplies goods to three customers, who each
require 30 units. The company has two warehouses.
Warehouse 1 has 40 units available, and warehouse 2 has 30
units available. The costs of shipping 1 unit from warehouse
to customer are shown in Table 7. There is a penalty for each
unmet customer unit of demand: With customer 1, a penalty
cost of $90 is incurred; with customer 2, $80; and with
customer 3, $110. Formulate a balanced transportation
problem to minimize the sum of shortage and shipping costs.
8. The Ayatola Oil Company controls two oil fields. Field
1 can produce up to 40 million barrels of oil per day, and
field 2 can produce up to 50 million barrels of oil per day.
At field 1, it costs $3 to extract and refine a barrel of oil; at
field 2, the cost is $2. Ayatola sells oil to two countries:
England and Japan. The shipping cost per barrel is shown
in Table 12. Each day, England is willing to buy up to 40
million barrels (at $6 per barrel), and Japan is willing to
buy up to 30 million barrels (at $6.50 per barrel). Formulate
a balanced transportation problem to maximize Ayatola’s

2. Sunco Oil produces oil at two wells. Well 1 can produce
as many as 150,000 barrels per day, and well 2 can produce
as many as 200,000 barrels per day. It is possible to ship oil
directly from the wells to Sunco’s customers in Los Angeles
and New York. Alternatively, Sunco could transport oil to
the ports of Mobile and Galveston and then ship it by tanker
to New York or Los Angeles. Los Angeles requires 160,000
barrels per day, and New York requires 140,000 barrels per
day. The costs of shipping 1,000 barrels between two points
are shown in Table 61. Formulate a transshipment model
(and equivalent transportation model) that could be used to
minimize the transport costs in meeting the oil demands of
Los Angeles and New York.


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