로그인 회원가입 고객센터

반도체 실험, 논문형식(영문)

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :REPORT 6th - 복사본.docx
문서분량 : 8 page 등록인 : psawon
문서뷰어 : MS-워드뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 16.06.29 / 16.06.29
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 2,000


같은분야 연관자료
물리학실험 - RLC회로... 7 pages 2000
RLC교류회로와 임피던스측정[예비] J97 / ■ 실험 목적저항과 콘덴서 또는 ... 5 pages 1000
세종대학교 신소재공학과 3학년 반도체 실험 레포트입니다.
A+받은 자료들이며 많은 도움 되었으면 좋곘습니다.
The overall process can be divided into 4 steps. First of all, two 100Ω resistors will be checked in a series and also in a row. In this step, two resistors will be inserted on bread board in a series and in a row. Second, function generator and oscilloscope will be used from this step. Second process is to check the voltage of RC circuit. 0.01μF capacitor was used in this step, and the frequency was from 140 kHz to 200kHz with the distance of 20kHz. Resistor and capacitor was connected in series. Third step was proceeded in the same way of second step but inductor instead of capacitor. As resistor and capacitor were connected in second step, resistor and inductor will be connected in series. In this step, 520μH inductor was used, and a frequency section is from 10 kHz to 40 kHz. Finally, in RLC circuit, resistor, inductor, and capacitor was connected in series, and the frequency section was from 50 kHz to 100 kHz. And it will be checked that whether graph shows resonance frequency or not. As it was mentioned, resonance frequency is the critical frequency which shows the drastic change of signal
RLC circuit


구매평가 기록이 없습니다
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· 해피레포트는 다운로드 받은 파일에 문제가 있을 경우(손상된 파일/설명과 다른자료/중복자료 등) 1주일이내 환불요청 시
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· 파일이 열리지 않거나 브라우저 오류로 인해 다운이 되지 않으면 고객센터로 문의바랍니다.
· 다운로드 받은 파일은 참고자료로 이용하셔야 하며,자료의 활용에 대한 모든 책임은 다운로드 받은 회원님에게 있습니다.


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