로그인 회원가입 고객센터

서경대학교 화장품학 과제 1, 2

카테고리 : 레포트 > 예체능계열
파일이름 :화장품학과제.hwp
문서분량 : 41 page 등록인 : hgsp003
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 14.12.12 / 14.12.12
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 4
판매가격 : 5,000


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[화장품학/향장] 한국 남성용 화장품 시장현황 및 향후 전망(1997 - 2007)... 12 pages 3800
서경대학교 2012년 화장품학에 관한 과제1,2 번 입니다.

화장품학. 진종언. 정담미디어.
피부미용사 국가기술자격시험 완벽대비. 나레스트뷰티아카데미. NAREST
뷰티영양학. 한정순 외. 메디시언
생활속의 자외선. 장성재 외. 화장품신문
우리가 스킨케어할 때 이야기하는 모든 것. 이윤경. 성안당
P-1. Explore the chemistry of active ingredients in products.
1.1 Differentiate between chemical compounds found in products.
1.2 Explain the process of oxidation and its effect on the storage of products.
1.3 Identify and discuss the active ingredients in a range of beauty and related products.
1.4 Discuss the effect of the functional group in the reactive of a molecule.

P-2. Investigate the effects and safe of active ingredients in product
2.1 Explain the desired effects of products and relate this the chemical composition.
2.2 Explain the necessity for safe practice with regard to contra-indications presented by the client, and in treat clients requiring special care.
2.3 Demonstrate a knowledge of th various organizations responsible for monitoring the safety and standardization of beauty and related products.
2.4 Explain Lethal Dose(LD50) testing for evaluation of toxicity of products.
2.5 Discuss safe working practice with regard to the storage handling and application of products.

P-3. Explain the properties of packaging materials in relation to their structure.
3.1 Describe the effects of tensile and compressive force of metals, glasses, elastomers, thermoplastics, thermosets and ceramics, fibrous materials.
3.2 Explain the effect of shape on the mechanical properties of a container.
3.3 Relate and compare the properties of glasses and elastomers, thermoplastics and thermosets, to their structure.
3.4 Explain the effect of temperature on the properties of glasses, elastomers, thermoplastics and thermosets.
P-4. Describe the properties and effects of ultra violet radiation.
4.1 Describe the relationship between photon energy and Wavelength of EM radiation.
4.2 Explain the categories of ultra-violet radiation.
4.3 Discuss the photoelectric effect with relation to chemical bonds.
4.4 Describe the transmission of ultra violet radiation through different media.


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