영어학개론 4 Syntax
Exercise C
1. Based on the examples just given, complete the following questions about Figure 4.1.
a. What is the relationship between V1 and PP2?
-V1와 PP2 는 자매이다.
b. What is the relationship between PP2 and Prep2-NP3?
- PP2는 P2와 NP3를 직접 관할한다.
c. What is the relationship between VP1 and the nodes beneath it?
- VP1은 VP1 밑에 있는 것을 모두 관할 하며, 특히 V1과 PP1을 직접 관할한다.
d. Is there any relationship between PP1 and PP2?
- No S에 의해서 모두 관할되기는 하지만, 같은 점에 의해서 직접 관할되지 않기 때문에 자매가 아니다.
2. Using the PS rules given earlier, draw tree diagrams for the following sentences.
a. The children laughed at the clown.
b. Haste makes waste.
c. A very small package arrived.
d. A meteor hit that red car.
영어학개론 4 Syntax
Exercise C
1. Based on the examples just given, complete the following questions about Figure 4.1.
a. What is the relationship between V1 and PP2?
-V1와 PP2 는 자매이다.
b. What is the relationship between PP2 and Prep2-NP3?
- PP2는 P2와 NP3를 직접 관할한다.
c. What is the relationship between VP1 and the nodes beneath it?
- VP1은 VP1 밑에 있는 것을 모두 관할 하며, 특히 V1과 PP1을 직접 관할한다.
d. Is there any relationship between PP1 and PP2?
- No S에 의해서 모두 관할되기는 하지만, 같은 점에 의해서 직접 관할되지 않기 때문에 자매가 아니다.
2. Using the PS rules given earlier, draw tree diagrams for the following sentences.
a. The children laughed at the clown.
b. Haste makes waste.
c. A very small package arrived.
d. A meteor hit that red car.
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