로그인 회원가입 고객센터

[경제경영] 원더걸스 성공사례 분석 (영문레포트) / Consumer Behavior 5th

카테고리 : 레포트 > 사회과학계열
파일이름 :원더걸스 성공사례분석(영문레포트).hwp
문서분량 : 2 page 등록인 : kjs5471
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 09.09.21 / 09.09.21
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 2,200


같은분야 연관자료
Consumer Behavior 5th Report Wonder Girl...
Consumer Behavior 5th Report Wonder Girls Ways to Success I. Introduction Wonder Girls is one of the project group of JYP Entertainment, managed by Park Jin-young, a famous singer in Korea. This group is made up of five girls, and each girl is drafted by various auditions(E. g. Talent upbringing project - The challenge of 99% in 2001, broadcasted by SBS). The debut song is `Irony`(Feb. 13th, 2007), which is released as a single album. The reaction of the consumer was `very hot`. Recently, the group put its first standard album on the record market. The main title, `Tell me`, is the `very very hot` issue in the entertainment section. People hear and sing this song, see and dance after the dance, and even make UCCs. We tried to find why they are so enthusiastic over `Tell Me`, and the Wonder Girls. II. `Retro`(Bock-go in Korean) The recent american pop trend is `Retro`. The famous singers following this wave are Madonna, Christina Aguilera, and so forth. Park Jin-young, the ...
경제경영 원더걸스 성공사례 분석 영문레포트 / Consumer Behavior 5th


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· 다운로드 받은 파일은 참고자료로 이용하셔야 하며,자료의 활용에 대한 모든 책임은 다운로드 받은 회원님에게 있습니다.


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