영작문& 영문 자기소개 모음집
1. 인간언어와 동물의 의사소통
From the turbulent sixth century B.C. the Greek began to question the value of the old myths as a guide to the nature of their world and history. Trying to escape from old gods, they, at the same time, started to find the distinctive features of human being from animals. All such terms as `Homo Sapiens,` `Homo Faber` represent human property. `Homo Linguistus` means only human being can use language. From the commonsensical point of view, some animals seem to communicate with each other. Then what differences are there between human languages and animal communication
All living creatures send and receive messages to each other. According to the Gardners` reports, chimpanzee named Washoe learned to produce more than hundred signs over a period of three years. Moreover, it is claimed that she spontaneously combined signs she acquired to form utterances. Ants are able to understand one another by exchanging special chemical c...
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