주어존대법과 구동사 구문 1)
안 명 철
(인하대학교 교수)
Ahn, Myeong-Cheol, 2003. The Subject Honorification and Phrase-verb Construction. URIMALGEUL The Korean Language and Literature 29, 129∼154. .This paper aims at explaining the function of the ‘-si-(-시-)’ as a syntactic marker that agrees with the subject being honored by the speaker. Here I considered that only the subject being honored by pragmatic level could realize ‘-si-’ in the sentence and examined it by dividing into general construction which has one subject and some disputed construction as like so-called double subject construction and some construction which has genitive or locative NP being honored. Especially I noticed that in the general constructions there are no exceptions at the realization ‘-si-’ by the honored subject. By that I guessed it will be the same case on the other constructions. To prove it, I regarded the double subject construction as the phrase-verb construction and to the construction which has genitive...
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