국내산과 중국산 삼지구엽초의 생리 활성 비교
노준현 ·김영진 ·김세원 ·이현용
Comparison of biological activities of Epimedium koreanum Nakai produced in Korea and China
Joon Hyun Noh , Young Jin Kim , Se Won Kim and Hyeon Yong Lee
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to compare the biological activities of Epimedium koreanum Nakai grown wild in Korea and China. The antioxidative effect of E. koreanum Nakai extracts grown wild in Gangwondo was 78%, which was higher than that in China as 71%. The inhibition ratio of growing cancer cells was estimated as 89, 91 and 86% for human liver, lung and breast cancer cell lines, respectively in adding 0.1g ℓ of ethanol extracts of E. koreanum grown in Korea. The hepatoprotective effect and Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibiting effect of Korean one were also observed as 124 and 87% respectively, which were also higher than those produced in China. There was not much difference between Korean and Chinese one in inhibiting α-glucosidase activities in all ...
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