디젤분무에서의 함산소연료의 분무특성
류근영 ㆍ하종석 ㆍ정일영 ㆍ노수영
Spray Characteristics of Oxygenated fuels on Diesel spray
Keun-Young Ryu, Jong-Suk Ha, Ill-Young Cho and Soo-Young No
The effect of four oxygenated fuels on spray properties from plain-orifice atomizer was investigated. The oxygenates evaluated were diglyme, MTBE, DEE and DMM and were blended in weights of 10, 20, 30% in a baseline diesel fuel.
It was found that changes in physical properties are enough to influence spray properties, i.e. spray angle, spray tip penetration and mean drop size.
In the range of blend level of 10 to 30%, Sauter mean diameter (SMD) decreased about 8% for DMM blend, about .6% for DEE blend and about 0.2% for diglyme and increased about 0.6% for MTBE blend. It was found that changes in spray characteristics of oxygenated fuel were easily large enough to impact pollutant emissions. Spray properties were measured by PMAS(particle motion analysis system) which is employing a point mea...
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