[영미문학] William Butler Yeats와 그레고리 부인, 그리고 시와 인생목차 (20쪽)Ⅰ. 서 론 Ⅱ. 그레고리 부인과 쿨 장원Ⅲ. 연극활동과 귀족주의에의 지향IV. 결 론인용문헌W. B. Yeats and Lady Gregory As Yeats himself mentioned “We poets would die of loneliness but for women”, his literary life had close relationship with women. Women had a great effect on his literary and political activities as well as his poems as inspiration and catalyst. Among them, it was Lady Gregory who most affected the formation of his view of literature and politics. Since Yeats met Lady Gregory in 1897, she and her Coole Park became not only the constant theme of his poems but also the source of his poetic inspiration. Lady Gregory’s images are variously colored in his poems as a fearless ‘eagle’, ‘a compass-point’, ‘intellectual beauty’, and ‘a powerful character’. Yeats recognized her aristocratic virtues such as pride and humility as traditional nobility, and tried to sublimate them in his poems. Besides, she planted literary, national, ...
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