로그인 회원가입 고객센터

[텝스] 텝스(TEPS) 모의고사모음집

카테고리 : 레포트 > 인문,어학계열
파일이름 :TEPS 모의고사 1-30.zip
문서분량 : 100 page 등록인 : koreaty111
문서뷰어 : 압축유틸프로그램 등록/수정일 : 08.09.22 / 11.02.28
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 92
판매가격 : 4,900


같은분야 연관자료
[텝스] 텝스(TEPS) 필수어휘모음집... 41 pages 2900
[텝스] 텝스 고득점 전략 14가지입니다.... 7 pages 600
[텝스] 핵심 필수 어휘 1500개!... 41 pages 900
토익 LC 듣기 중요 필수구문정리... 35 pages 4000
토익 만점 RC 최고 핵심 정리 노트 한 권으로 끝내기... 91 pages 7900
외국어 능력시험인 텝스 모의고사를 모아놓은 압축파일로서,
모의고사는 1회-30회까지 구성되어있으며
각 파일에는 LC를 제외한 어휘, 문법, 독해 영역에 대한 모의고사문제와 함께
해답(해답에 대한 설명은 없음)이 첨부되어 있습니다.

텝스 정기시험을 준비하시는 응시생들에게 실력점검에 유용한
자료가 될거라 생각됩니다.

A : The interior decoration is awesome!
B : Yes. The decorator certainly ____________ for style.
(a) has an eye (b) have an eye (c) has the eyes (d) have eyes

A : Honey, do you know where the other sock is?
B : Maybe it`s _________ the table.
(a) under (b) in (c) down (d) beneath

A : How`s your new boss, Rachel?
B : Well, he`s not easy __________ with.
(a) talk (b) to talk (c) talking (d) to be talking

Had the announcement of the new position been made earlier, more people ____________ for the job.
(a) had applied (b) would have applied (c) would apply (d) apply

__________ to fix dinner, she went to a French restaurant.
(a) Having decided not (b) Deciding not (c) Not decided (d) Having not decided

There is little, ________, hope of his recovery from the traffic accident.
(a) if ever (b) if any (c) nevertheless (d) otherwise

(a) A : Whom are you going to ask to the prom?
(b) B : I won`t make up my mind yet.
(c) A : Do you have someone particular in mind?
(d) B : Not really. Why are you being so nosy?

(a) A : Honey, are you busy now?
(b) B : Not really. Is there anything you want me to do?
(c) A : Do you mind taking out the garbage?
(d) B : Not at all. I`ll do it for change.

(a) Let`s suppose you are told by phone that someone precious to you has been injured in a car accident. (b) What do you think you will react to the news? (c) Some people may burst into tears right away. (d) Others may hold back their feelings until later.

(a) In the hot summertime, a glass of lemonade is must. (b) I recommend you taste real lemonades, not cans of artificial flavors. (c) It is quite easy to make one by yourself. (d) Just squeeze lemons and sweeten them with syrup or sugar and enjoy.


A : Would you like to join us? There`s a(n) __________ seat in the car.
B : Could I? I`d love to.
(a) enough (b) free (c) extra (d) special

A : Hey! What are you looking for?
B : My car key. I must have ___________ it in my office.
(a) made (b) left (c) turned (d) put

A : I`ve _________ for four classes.
B : Did you get in them all?
(a) registered (b) applied (c) enrolled (d)

A : Where would you like to go this summer vacation?
B : I would _________ a small island with lots of privacy.
(a) imagine (b) dream (c) approve (d) wish

A : I have to replace the faucets in my kitchen.
B : Are you going to call a(n) ____________ or do it by yourself?
(a) craftsman (b) engineer (c) mechanic (d) carpenter

There is a(n) _________ of paintings by Gogh at the National Gallery.
(a) gallery (b) edition (c) exhibit (d) playing

Because I didn`t know who was telling the truth, I felt totally __________.
(a) difficult (b) thrilled (c) enthusiastic (d) confused

_________ words requires reinforcement.
(a) Revising (b) Writing (c) Explaining (d) Memorizing

Faced with a looming crisis over North Korea`s nuclear bomb program, South Korea has sent an _________ to China.
(a) engraver (b) entrepreneur (c) envoy (d) entomologist

St. Moritz, whose streets are lined with luxury shops, is seeking to _______ visitors.
(a) lure (b) lubricate (c) lurk (d) luster



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