로그인 회원가입 고객센터

[건축공학] Cable Dome

카테고리 : 레포트 > 공학,기술계열
파일이름 :논문.doc
문서분량 : 32 page 등록인 : sungyunjj
문서뷰어 : MS-워드뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 08.03.27 / 08.03.27
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 1
판매가격 : 2,000


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케이블 돔에 관한 레포트. 영문. 사진 O. 출처 O.
Cable Dome
1. What is a cable structure

Tension structures
It is possible to configure structural elements that have high strength and stiffness in tension, while having low or zero stiffness in compression, bending, and shear.
The fibers can slip with respect to one another so that the rope does not act as a monolithic unit in resisting buckling or bending.
The buckling and bending resistance of individual fibers is extremely low compared to the tension strength.
In a conventional linked chain connections between links transfer no moment or compression, shear cannot transfer across a link.
In a pin-connected chain, such as a bicycle chain, the connections can transfer compression, but the pin connections create a mechanism that is not stable under compression, shear, or moment.
The process of manufacturing wire makes steel stronger (though less ductile), making it possible to create elements with high tension strength but small area and moment of inertia.
The low moment of inertia gives low resistance to compression buckling and bending.
Since such elements cannot resist compression, bending or shear, they do not maintain their shape (e.g. they are unstable) under changing loads.
This is good and bad.
It`s good because the structure will always assume a shape so that it works purely in tension (that`s all it can do), so there is an efficient use of material.
It`s bad because it is usually impractical for a structure to undergo large changes in geometry under varying loads.
Tension structures must always address the issue of stability, incorporating a strategy to limit changes in shape under varying loads.

1-1 Historical review
The first structures regarded as cable roofs are four pavilions with hanging roofs
built by the Russian engineer V. G. Shookhov at an exhibition in Nizjny-Novgorod
in 1896. During the 1930’s a small number of roof structures of moderate sizes were
built in the U.S.A. and Europe, but none of major importance.
A big step in the development of suspended roofs came in 1950 when Matthew
Nowicki designed the State Fair Arena, Figure 2.1, at Raleigh, North Carolina,
USA. Sadly, Nowicki died that same year in a plane crash, but his work continued
through the architect William Henry Deitrick and civil engineer Fred Severud and
in 1953 the arena was completed

Fiq1. The State Fair Arena at Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Fiq2. Structural system, reproduced from

On an exchange visit to the U.S.A. in 1950 a German student in architecture, named Frei Otto, previewed the drawings for the Raleigh Arena in the New York office of Fred Severud. Otto saw that the project embodied many of his own ideas about how
to construct with minimal amount of material. After graduation in 1952 Otto began a systematic investigation of suspended roofs. The investigation was presented in the doctoral thesis Das H¨angende Dach (The Suspended Roof), which was the first
comprehensive documentation on the subject
The thesis caught the attention of Peter Stromeyer of


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