로그인 회원가입 고객센터

[자기소개서] 영문자기소개서(CoverLetter)샘플(4) 28765 / COVER LET

카테고리 : 서식 > 자기소개서
파일이름 :영문자기소개서(CoverLetter)샘플(4)_28765.hwp
문서분량 : 1 page 등록인 : wowform
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 08.01.31 / 08.01.31
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 2
판매가격 : 500


같은분야 연관자료
COVER LETTERPerusing through the Chosun ...
COVER LETTERPerusing through the Chosun Ilbo in the early morning as I usually do, I came acrosssomething that grabbed my interest, i.e., your advertisement for an entry positionin the International Sales Division.Having said that, I would like to introduce myself, as interesting as I can,in the limited space within four corners of this letter.First of all, the basic informationis as follows My name is Chung M. Kim, a recent graduate of Kunkook University with a major in Business Management. The undergraduate curriculum included not only the core business classes such aseconomics, accounting, finance but also computer programming and intensiveforeign language course. As a business major with strong computer background, I could confidently say thatI am capable of personally computerizing many of the difficult tasks of theexport import operation.In particular, my computer proficiency includes Internet, FORTRAN, HTML, JAVA,MS-OFFICE, etc. Although I am a r...
자기소개서 영문자기소개서CoverLetter샘플4 28765 / COVER LET


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