보건의료기관 서비스 이용 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인the factors affecting the service satisfaction over the health-care centers교신저자 정문호 교수님 서울시 종로구 연건동 28번지 서울대학교 보건대학원( 전화 740-8881, 팩스 3672-1140, 이 멜 mhchung@snu.ac.kr )Lee, young-mee, Choi, kum-hee, Choi, yun-jeong, Cho, eun-hee, Park, min-hee Yoon, Kang-Jae, Park, Chul Woo, Park, Hyang Jeong, Kim, eun-young, Yang, jung-woon, Jeun, hae-sung, Choi, yun-sun Graduate Shool of Public Health, Seoul National University abstract the factors affecting the service satisfaction of healthcare centers Background and ObjectivesThe purpose of this study was to evaluate the local residents` satisfaction for the services provided by local health-care centers and to determine the factors affecting service satisfaction. Methodology Raw data was collected from 117 respondents who visited health-care centers such as clinics, hospitals, oriental medicine clinics and hospitals, as well as local...
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