Little ladies I read the book `Little ladies`. This is the story of 4 sisters. When I was young, I read this book. but I was forget this book`s story, so I read this book again for write this. This is book for young people. but I read it to write this. because my English is unripe. but I will try to write this do my best. This story`s main character, meg, joe, beth, ami are family. they`re father was participation in the American war. But sisters wasn`t give up. near they`re house, A boy who called Lawrence was live there. He was take an interest in joe`s sisters and her. He was appeared when joe`s sisters play an act. and see it interestingly. One day, Joe was going to see an act with her boy friend Lory. then, Ami says, `I want to go there with you!`. But joe wasn`t take her an act. So, Ami was very upset. and she burned joe`s writing. after joe was came home, joe was saw it and she was very angry, and sad. and they`re had fight. few days after, they are went to the r...
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