The complete script
Compiled by Corey Johanningmeier
Portions copyright (c)1989 by Walt Disney Co.
(An ocean. Birds are flying and porpoises are swimming happily.
From the fog a ship appears crashing through the waves)
Sailors: I`ll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue
And it`s hey to the starboard, heave ho
Look out, lad, a mermaid be waitin` for you
In mysterious fathoms below.
Eric: Isn`t this great? The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face . . .
a perfect day to be at sea!
Grimsby: (Leaning over side.) Oh yes . . . delightful . . . .
Sailor 1: A fine strong wind and a following sea. King Triton must be in a
friendly-type mood.
Eric: King Triton?
Sailor 2: Why, ruler of the merpeople, lad. Thought every good sailor knew
about him.
Grimsby: Merpeople! Eric, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense.
Sailor 2: But it ain`t nonsense, it`s the truth! I`m tellin` you, down in the
depths o` the ocean they live. (He gestures wildly, Fish in his hand flops
away and lands back in the ocean, relieved.)
Sailors: Heave. ho. Heave, ho. In mysterious fathoms below. (Fish sighs and
swims away.)
(Titles. Various fish swimming. Merpeople converge on a great undersea
palace, filling concert hall inside. Fanfare ensues.)
Seahorse: Ahem . . . His royal highness, King Triton! (Triton enters
dramatically to wild cheering.) And presenting the distinguished court
composer, Horatio Thelonious Ignatius Crustaceous Sebastian! (Sebastion
enters to mild applause.)
· 해피레포트는 다운로드 받은 파일에 문제가 있을 경우(손상된 파일/설명과 다른자료/중복자료 등) 1주일이내 환불요청 시 환불(재충전) 해드립니다.
(단, 단순 변심 및 실수로 인한 환불은 되지 않습니다.)
· 파일이 열리지 않거나 브라우저 오류로 인해 다운이 되지 않으면 고객센터로 문의바랍니다.
· 다운로드 받은 파일은 참고자료로 이용하셔야 하며,자료의 활용에 대한 모든 책임은 다운로드 받은 회원님에게 있습니다.
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