로그인 회원가입 고객센터

글로벌마케팅전략 영작레포트

카테고리 : 레포트 > 기타
파일이름 :글로벌마케팅전략 영작레포트.hwp
문서분량 : 2 page 등록인 : yellow555
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 12.09.10 / 12.09.10
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 1,500


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글로벌마케팅전략 영작레포트.hwp

1. How to choose the target county to enter.
2. How to choose the product to introduce in the target foreign country
3. Local adaption (localization) strategy
4. Global product standardization strategy
5. Market penetration pricing strategy
6. Market-skimming pricing strategy.
7. Distribution channel(e.g. distributor) functions.
8. Pull strategy vs. Push strategy in sales promotion.

참고 자료 ( 파일내에 기재된 참고자료 목록입니다. )
글로벌 마케팅
이신모, 전외술, 홍성태 저 두양사 2011.03.15
글로벌 마케팅
박주홍 저 박영사 2010.06.30
같은 분야의 연관자료
글로벌 마케팅의 환경전략
글로벌마케팅의 기본이론
로만손의 글로벌 마케팅 성공사례
등록자 연관자료
‘청정원과 ’풀무원‘ 마케팅 전략 비교.
[A+파포] 광고마케팅 발표 리포트
택배업체의 마케팅전략 (대한통운,한진택배,현대택배)
. How to choose the target county to enter.
As priority before entering target country, we have to make a decision by using strategic decision. it includes SWOT analysis. and we have to consider Country Attractiveness as well as Competitive position Analysis,
a country that have high Attractiveness as well as high Competitive position Analysis is very good market to enter.

. How to choose the product to introduce in the target foreign country
It depends on Attractiveness and Competitive position analysis,
A country that have high Attractiveness as well as high Competitive position Analysis is called by Good market, we can introduce computer which is very competitive and suitable for attractive market to Good market

<중 략>

. Market-skimming pricing strategy.
It`s one of generic pricing strategies.
it uses high intial prices first entering, then reduce the price later to attract new buyers.
as priority, product`s quality and image must support its higher price and enough, and competitor should not be able to enter the market easily and undercut the high price.
for example, Johnson & Johnson used it before arrival of rival company(P&G)



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