부산방문 한·일 관광객의 정서적 이미지 비교
Difference between the Domestic and Japanese Tourist
of the Destination Image in Busan
조 명 환 ·최 규 환 ·여 호 근
Cho, Myung-Hwan·Choi, Kyu-Whan·Yeo, Ho-Keun
This study investigated of the differences of the image between the domestic and japanese tourist of the visiting in busan metropolitan city and their image evaluation were different according to the nationality.
The attribute for the destination image types were measured using 27 items.
The factors involved in the destination image were analysis and 7 factors emerged. The result are as follows.
First, Between the domestic and japanese tourist of living appeared to statistical different of the destination image.
Second, Between destination image and revisiting preference appeared to statistical difference.
Third, Between destination image and revisiting preference appeared to statistical difference according to the nationality.
Forth, Between destination image and revisiting pre...
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