백제 건국신화로서의 沸流說話
한 미 옥
(전남대학교 박물관 연구원)
Han, Mi-Ok, 2003. Bi-Ryu Folktale As the Establishing Myth of Baek-jae. URIMALGEUL The Korean Language and Literature 27, 133∼176. This study has its purpose on reconstruction about the establishing myth of Baek-jae. As we know, Baek-jae was an ancient country made by branching of Bu-yeo tribe. Therefore we can consider that the myth of Bu-yeo effected on the establishing myth adored by Bae-jae dynasty. On this assumption, this study tried to reconstruct on the establishing myth of Baek-jae, which could be called the Dong-myeong-shin- wha of Baek-jae version.
For doing so, to begin with, this study examed the Dong- myeong-shin-wha of Bu-yeo. We could know that the ancestor of Baek-jae was from the Dong-myeong of Bu-yeo through Chinese history books like 梁書 (Yang-seo), 隋書 (Soo-seo), and 北史 (Buk-sa).
Then, we tried to establish on the founder of Baek-jae. Not like the existed opinion that considered On-jo as the founder of ...
· 해피레포트는 다운로드 받은 파일에 문제가 있을 경우(손상된 파일/설명과 다른자료/중복자료 등) 1주일이내 환불요청 시 환불(재충전) 해드립니다.
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