일반전형 입학시험 기출문제
영 어
∼ 2004 전기까지.
다음의 문장을 쉽게 읽히는 한글로 번역하시오.
- The economy remained weak in May as American employers continued to cut jobs, though at a slower pace than during the previous two months, the government reported yesterday. Manufactures, both traditional and high technology, caused the decline, eliminating more jobs in May than they had during any other month in the current lowdown.
The unemployment rate fell, to 4.4 percent from 4.5 percent, mostly because the number of people looking for work decreased in May for reasons that are not clear compared with previous months. To be counted as officially unemployed, a person must be out of work and actively searching for a job.
Manufacturing jobs require more technical knowledge than they once did, and American industry has became more devoted to turning out high-technology goods. As a result more factory employees hold college degrees than in the past. Companies have also become more aggressive in cutting ...
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