Structure를 이용한 프로그래밍The Result of a survey of the households in your township have been made available. Each record contains data for one household, including a four-digit intiger identification number, the annual income for the household, and the number of members of the household. write a program to store the survey results into an array of user-defined structures of type household_t. Then perform the following analyses a. Print a three-column table displaying the data b. Calculate the average household income, and list the identification number and income of each household whose income exceeds the average. c. Determine the percentage of households having incomes below the poverty level. The poverty livel income may be computed using the formular P=8,000,000 + 700,000 × (m-2) where m is the number if members of each household. This formular shows that poverty level depends on the number of family members m and the poverty level increases as m gets larger. The fol...
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