테이핑이 지연성 근육통에 미치는 효과AbstractThe effect of Taping by Delayed Onset Muscle SorenessThe purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Kinesio taping on determine the effect of Kinesio taping on delayed onset muscle soreness(DOMS), Twenty healthy adult males and females performed eccentric exercise of the elbow flexor the results of this study were as follow DOMS was induced in the non-dominant biceps muscle though repeated eccentric contractions.Resting elbow joint position. flexion and extension (universal goniometer), pain (visual Analogue scale ; VAS) and strength (Nicolas Manual Muscle Test)were measured one hour before DOMS was induced and 24, 48 and 72 hours after DOMS was induced. The data were analyzed by repeated measure of ONE-WAY ANOVA.the results of this study were summarized as follows taping therapy(p<0.05)We found improve of pain degree therefore we can infer that taping therapy had effectiveness to those who had DOMS....
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