Assess Disney뭩 decision to build a theme park in Europe. How can such a decision be evaluated and was it a wise one With the successful opening of Tokyo Disneyland, Disney executives turned their attention to Europe initially involving Germany, Spain, France and others. When word first got out that Disney wanted to build another international theme park, officials from more than 200 locations all over the world descended on Disney with pleas and cash inducements to work the Disney magic in their hometowns. There were many factors that played a role in the search of a suitable location for a new Disney theme park vacation patterns of Europeans, topography, infrastructure, climate, available land, local economy, labor market and existing tourists attractions. To evaluate the decision to build a theme park in Europe, I 멶 like to check this out with 5 major forces and trends that shape opportunities and pose threats. Demographic environment Europe is composed of 51 countries ...
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