학생들의 영어쓰기능력을 분석하고, Argumentative essay 를 효과적으로 쓸 수 있는 방안을 마련,
모의로 실시해보고, 평가한뒤 분석.
Cognitive strategy instruction writing 이 효과적인 대안인지 분석 .
1. Introduction
1.1 Problem statement -------------------------------------- 2
1.2 Problem description and documentation
1.3 Description of the work setting
1.4 Writers’ Role
1.5 Review of Related Literature
1.6 Purpose
2. Methodology
2.1 Goals and expectation
2.2 Solution strategy
2.3 Expected outcomes
2.4 Measurement outcomes
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion
English as an international language is used for communication in most parts of the world. Nowadays, English has become a global language. People in almost any part of the world know English. In the Philippines, English is used by the students at a very young age. The researchers realized that studying English is easy for Filipino students because English is their second language which is used in communication, education, technical and scientific information and technology.
“What we need to know about writing is how writers operate as part of discourse communities and, furthermore, how the conventions of these communities exercise a generative power within the writing process” (Flower and Hayes, 1981). Writing strategies and composing behaviors are dependent on the level of the student, but many high school students have problems on writing process. “Writing process is how we translate ideas into written text, it starts with an idea in our head and the need to develop it, communicate it to an audience, and preserve it” (Freeman, 1995 p.4). The students of Saint Paul College of Makati have lack information of delivering their message clearly through the written text.
Writing argumentative essay is one of the problems faced by the 4th year level high school students in Saint Paul College Makati. The possible cause of the problem is that the strategy used in the teaching and learning process is not effective enough to guide the students in writing.
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