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의료비저축통장제도를 통한 근로소득 특별공제축소
h조 - medical saving.hwp
등록인 shinewea
등록/수정일 12.07.01 / 12.07.01
문서분량 18 페이지
다운로드 0
- 같은분야 연관자료
- 보고서설명
- 의료비저축통장제도를 통한 근로소득 특별공제 축소 및 삭제 방안에 대한 피피티 자료입니다. 싱가폴 사례를 통해 현행 의료비 공제가 불필요한 의료수요 등이 있는지를 분석했습니다. 고려대학교에서 A+받은 자료입니다.
- 본문일부/목차
- contents
1. introduction
1) reason of choice MSA
2) what is MSA
3) Meanings of MSAs
2. singapore MSA
1) medisave
2) MediShield and MediShield Plus
3) Medifund
4) Evaluation of MSAs in Singapore
3. usa & china MSA
1) china
2) usa
4. korea medical insurance system
1) total expenditure on health
2) public health expenditure
3) the frequency of out-patients
4) comparing insurance : cancer & cold
5. introduce MSA system in korea
1) application method of MSA system for increase utility
2) analysis the effect of MSA application
6. reference
1. Introduction
1) reason of choice MSA
Health insurance is an insurance that pay medical cost.
We dont know when we sick, what we catch disease or how we sick.
And when medical cost is big, it is a burden on people.
So insurance exist as way to guarantee living healthy.
However, now Korean health insurance face with a crisis.
Our health insurance premium is low, so expenditure of medical cost is continually increased without patient and doctors recognition about medical cost.
However because of members of insurance against increasing insurance premium, we cant increase insurance premium.
Also with an aging society is continued, and medical technology development, medical cost paid by old people increase.
If this situation is continued, account of health insurance will have a deficit.
Korean use seventy or eighty millions of money as medical cost all their life and half of their medical cost is used after 65-years-old.
Korea face an aging-society, so economic action of man in the prime of life is very important. Therefore, we need countermeasures about increasing medical cost.
In this situation, most people impose duty solving medical cost problem to government . They want to reduce self burden of medical cost and protect their life by more support, and expanding public health system
But, we think that if government support more, Moral Hazard can appear.
Because of more supporting, medical cost ,paying a person, is reduced so they visit to hospital in very a trivial matter.
In this situation, we worry about coming down of quality of medical service.
To solve this problem, we need to think about MSA (Medical Savings Account).
MSA is unknown to Korean, but world concerned about it and rate of joining is increased by several seminars and briefing sessions.
Therefore, Korean need to interested in MSA to save insurance premium.
And MSA can a method to save tax, too.
- 연관검색어
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