로그인 회원가입 고객센터

맨큐의 경제학 5판 원서 문제풀이 ( 복습2~18 )

카테고리 : 레포트 > 사회과학계열
파일이름 :원론 복습 (2~18).docx
문서분량 : 18 page 등록인 : yyj1515
문서뷰어 : MS-워드뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 11.10.22 / 11.10.22
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 2
판매가격 : 3,000


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3장 복습문제 1,5번
복습 1) Q : Absolute advantage, Comparative advantage
Absolute advantage : The ability to produce a good using fewer inputs than another producer.
Comparing the productivity of one person, firm, or nation to that of another. The producer that requires a smaller quantity of inputs to produce a good is said to have an absolute advantage in producing that good.
Comparative advantage : The ability to produce a good at a lower opportunity cost than another producer.
Describing the opportunity cost of two producers.he producer who gives up less of other goods to produce Good X has the smaller opportunity cost of producing Good X and is said to have a comparative advantage in producing it
복습 5) Q : Trade.
The gains from specialization and trade are based not on absolute advantage but on comparative advantage. When each person specializes in producing the good for which he or she has a comparative advantage, total production in the economy rises. This increase in the size of economic pie can be used to make everyone better off.
The principle of comparative advantage establishes that there are gains from specialization and trade.
Trade can benefit everyone in society because it allows people to specialize in activities in which they have a comparative advantage.


구매평가 기록이 없습니다
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· 다운로드 받은 파일은 참고자료로 이용하셔야 하며,자료의 활용에 대한 모든 책임은 다운로드 받은 회원님에게 있습니다.


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