로그인 회원가입 고객센터

[언론] 여론의 어제와 오늘(Yesterday and Today Of Public Opinion)

카테고리 : 레포트 > 사회과학계열
파일이름 :Intellectual_history_of_public_opinion.hwp
문서분량 : 1 page 등록인 : ys6777
문서뷰어 : 한글뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 09.12.29 / 09.12.29
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 1,000


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Today, It seems that public opinion is a very broad field and very important. I completely agree. So we really need to understand public opinion.
Public opinion is vital component in the democratic process. Above all, public opinion affects a large part of the decision-making process and our attitude.
Men of old times are interested in public opinion, too. If you`re understanding public opinion, study the history of public opinion. The ancient Greek philosophers knew that the analysis of popular sentiments was crucial to the design of government by the people.
There are two classes of philosophers` opinion. It is investigating the history of public opinion.
First opinion is Plato`s opinion. Plato was very much interested in public opinion. He was respectful of its power and believed that the public will should be heeded, though he was somewhat skeptical of the common person`s wisdom. Thus, Plato generally distrusted the masses. he said that the people know what they want as far as immediate comforts go, but they don`t have cognitive capacity to rule themselves. I partly agree with him. I think that the people move by their benefits. however I disagree that he thinks that democratic state should be ruled by philosopher-kings. Because the people are changed by good education and I`m opposite against monarchy.


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