과학과 이데올로기의 사이에서
북한 ‘봉한학설’의 부침
김 근 배
전북대학교 과학학과
Between Science and Ideology
The Rise and Fall of Bong Han Theory in the 1960s North Korea
KIM Geun Bae
Department of Science Studies
Chonbuk National University
This article examines the relationship between science and ideology through the case study of Bong Han(鳳漢)theory in North Korea. In the 1960s a medical doctor Bong Han Kim reported a theory demonstrating the independent existence of Kyungrak(經絡) system which had been known as the flowing route of Ki(氣) in oriental medicine. Some party technocrats picked up and highlighted the theory as a major scientific accomplishment embodying the independent political line which they began to pursue with a feverish enthusiasm. With support from the political regime, the theory became well-refined with elaborate and advanced experimental techniques in its methodology but at the same time it is increasingly stained with the political ideology in its content. As the Bong Ha...
· 해피레포트는 다운로드 받은 파일에 문제가 있을 경우(손상된 파일/설명과 다른자료/중복자료 등) 1주일이내 환불요청 시 환불(재충전) 해드립니다.
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· 다운로드 받은 파일은 참고자료로 이용하셔야 하며,자료의 활용에 대한 모든 책임은 다운로드 받은 회원님에게 있습니다.
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