)한국어 명사구의 이중구조와 명시소 이동 1)
박 호 관
(대구대학교 인문과학연구소 전임연구원)
Park, Ho-Gwan, 2002. Specifier movement and Noun Phrase Shell Structure in Korean. The Korean Language and Literature 25, 177∼199. The syntactic structure of noun phrases in Korean was set up in ‘Noun Phrase Shell Structure’. If noun phrases in Korean have an argument structure according to the value of a verb, they become NPx(complement). They can be classified into ‘subject noun phrase (NPs), object noun phrase(NPo) and complement noun phrase (NPc)’. The ‘S’(VPs) specifier movement means movement to the left-branching point of VPs, and the specifier position movement does movement to the left-branching point of NPx. The specifier position movement was subdivided into subject specifier position movement, object specifier position movement, complement specifier position movement according to the constituent of ‘x’.(Daegu University)
▣ 주제어(key word) 논항 구조, 명사구 이중구조, 명시소 이동, 주격 중출, 목적격 중출, 항가, 핵명사.
. 서 론
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