로그인 회원가입 고객센터

China and food price

카테고리 : 레포트 > 인문,어학계열
파일이름 :Eco final paper;.docx
문서분량 : 18 page 등록인 : mjbae415
문서뷰어 : MS-워드뷰어프로그램 등록/수정일 : 11.06.17 / 11.06.17
구매평가 : 다운로드수 : 0
판매가격 : 3,000


같은분야 연관자료

China and Food price; Growth of international food inflation rate regarding power of China

How is china impacting international food price or economy?
What are some factors that made China became so influential worldwide in terms of inflation?
In this situation, what would be caused and what should others do for now and the future?

1) China as growing power has big impact on international market, especially on the food price.
2) Middle class of China is emerging and therefore their power is growing, both factors influences on inflation rate worldwide.
3) Steep rise of inflation rate leads to serious food crisis of hunger for other countries while China handles such problem. They should be aware of the flow and be ready for the crisis.

People tend to think that price of any kind of goods usually goes up as time passed. Although we do complain when we find out any ice cream or snack is no longer 1dollar, we still are willing to pay more and get used to those rising prices. Mostly, such movement has happened very often but gradually and in various or all of fields in international market. However what became issued is that the food price went up sharply in a very short term and on its background, China played a big role as a rising power. Although it is true that there are many other factors that may have led the food price steeply risen up, looking at the global flow that mutually works internationally, the focus should be stayed on China as their enlargement must have a relationship with this increment of price. Moreover, this may cause food crisis as well as economic crisis in other countries, which alarms them to be aware of this situation and be ready for it.
Main Topic 3
Questions 3
Hypothesis 3
Introduction 3
Body 4
1. What’s happening in this world? Suddenly or gradually 4
1) Inflation rate: mostly food price. 4
2) Globalization 5
3) Modernization 6
2. What’s going on in China? 6
1) Economic – Inflation growth 6
2) Social –Business, Education, Middle class and Cultural Revolution 7
3) Political – Intervention on the market 10
3. How is it affecting others? But no problem to China? 11
1) Leading their neighbors in Asia 11
2) Alarming America 12
3) Threatening Poors 13
4) Chances for growth 13
4. Why China so influential? Becoming the world’s center of the power? 14
1) Chinese population 14
- The biggest - Growing middle class -controllable 15
2) Unique government system 15
- Communism - democracy - visible hand 15
3) Resource 15
- Human right - Raw material - factories 15
Conclusion 15
Advanced questions 16
References 16

China inflation foodprice Chinese middle class


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